Akira Expanded Bold
Akira Expanded Bold is a Bold OpenType Font. It has been downloaded 9379 times. 19 users have given the font a rating of 4.42 out of 5. You can find more information about Akira Expanded Bold and it's character map in the sections below. Please verify that you're a human to download the font for free.
This article provides a download link for Akira Expanded Bold font. Most internet users search for Akira Expanded Bold font and most of them would like to get it for free of cost. So we have listed the download button in this article which will provide you with a direct download link of this font.
Downloading Akira Expanded Bold font is very easy and simple, no need to get worried about the installation process of this font on your computer. To get started with installation follow the below-mentioned steps:
Step 1: Download Free Font from the following button:
Step 2: Right-click on "Akira Expanded Bold.zip" and select the "Extract All..." option, in the pop-up window "Desktop" as the destination folder for "Akira Expanded Bold.zip". This process is to extract files from a Zip archive
Step 3: Now type the folder name "Akira" and click on the Extract button
Step 4: After extracting process goes to the step 3 directory, you can see multiple files here one of them is "Akira Expanded Bold.otf" this is the Font file that we are going to use in the following steps.
Font Information
Font Name |
Akira Expanded Bold
Font Style |
Font Type |
Font Embedding |
Font Tags |
Number of Glyphs |
Font File Size |
28.1 KB
Total Downloads |
Font Rating |
Character Map